Monday, September 3, 2012

Fordson Released on BluRay

Our documentary editorial project Fordson: Faith Fasting Football is now available for streaming on Netflix and for sale.

The feature-length documentary is now available for sale
at the official Forsdon The Movie website.

Lovingly created by Ed at Motion Post for the producers at North Shore Films, a 3-disc set of  Fordson is now available for sale.  You get a Blu-Ray™ and DVD Video of the 92 minute theatrical release as it appeared in AMC Theatres in the Fall of 2011 (held over for two weeks in some cities!).    The 3rd disc is a 122 minute Special Features DVD which contains: Q&A with the cast from an MLK Symposum held at the University of Michigan, Extended Trailer, Theatrical Trailer, News Interviews with Director and Producers, Fordson Principal Imad Fadlallah's Class of 2010 Commencement Address, Repositioning Islam in America TEDx talk, FORDSON Rap Video, Comments from Hillary Clinton and Michael Moore and other extras..

If you missed it last year, and you have Netflix streaming, you can also see it in it's entirety online.  Obviously, I can't link to the stream directly here, so if you have a Netflix streaming account, login to it and do a search for "Fordson".  (edit: or try this)

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